
Note: The sample paysheets and payscripts are meant for illustration purposes only.
It is the user's responsibility to verify compliance with government regulations and company policies.

I found a page which suggests that the simplest way to start using the program is to download an existing Paysheet (which I imagine can function as a template) and edit same to adapt to your own needs. But wherte can I find such a Sample? Thanks!zenith_laundry
Ang Unang Sweldista2017-Jun-07LOGIN to Reply|Report
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Click the menu 'Forums & Samples' and choose from 'Samples for Download'.

In the Sweldista home page, there is a 'Quick Start' list on the upper left. Number 2 also has a link for 'Samples for Download'.
zenith_laundry2017-Jun-06LOGIN to Reply|Report
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I found a page which suggests that the simplest way to start using the program is to download an existing Paysheet (which I imagine can function as a template) and edit same to adapt to your own needs. But wherte can I find such a Sample? Thanks!
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