
Note: The sample paysheets and payscripts are meant for illustration purposes only.
It is the user's responsibility to verify compliance with government regulations and company policies.

I cannot create a New Paysheet. I checked the HELP and found "How to create a new Paysheet" but when I try I get an Error msg: Line 71, Char 304 Error: Object doesn't support this property or method. Is the problem in one of the program modules or is it a problem with my OS?zenith_laundry
zenith_laundry2017-Jun-06LOGIN to Reply|Report
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I cannot create a New Paysheet. I checked the HELP and found "How to create a new Paysheet" but when I try I get an Error msg: Line 71, Char 304 Error: Object doesn't support this property or method. Is the problem in one of the program modules or is it a problem with my OS?
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