1. For Employers
  2. For Employees
  3. Definition of Terms
  4. Payroll Environments
  5. Sweldista.com Services (Online Sweldista Services)
  6. Sweldista Scribe Network
  7. How To's
  1. For Employers:

    1. You can download Sweldista Payroll for FREE and install it on your computer to compute the payroll of your company. After installation, you can use Sweldista Payroll to compute payroll even without the internet.
    2. Sweldista Payroll automates SSS, PhilHealth and HDMF deductions.
    3. Sweldista Payroll automates the computation of Withholding Tax based on the Weekly, Semi-monthly, Monthly and Yearly Tax Tables.
    4. You can download sample paysheets and then edit the payscripts to conform to the policies of your company. With the use of payscripts, you can include computations for loans, overtime, night differential, piece rate pay, commissions, other income, attendance, sick and vacation leaves and virtually anything that you can base payroll from. For details on how to customize payscripts, pls. visit the Sweldista Scribe Network.
    5. You can also view, trace and edit payscripts through Sweldista.com Services. Sweldista.com Services are available for FREE, all you have to do is create a Sweldista Account and login.
    6. Additionally, you can convert paysheets to Microsoft Excel or print payslips through Sweldista.com Services.
    7. In the future, we will release new Sweldista.com Services to automate file conversions for SSS and Withholding Tax.

  2. For Employees:

    1. You can use the Online Tax Calculator to verify Withholding tax.
    2. You can use the Online SSS, PhilHealh and HDMF Calculators to verify deductions.
    3. You can use the Online Pay Calculators to verify the computation of your payroll given a payscript that follows the policies of your employer. If your employer uses Sweldista Payroll, you can request for the payscript that your employer uses so that you can verify your payroll. If your employer does not use Sweldista Payroll, you can create a payscript that satisfies the policies of your employer. You download sample paysheets that contain different computations to get you started.
    4. As an employee, you can also download Sweldista Payroll for FREE to verify computations without using the Online Sweldista website.
  3.  ^ 

  4. Definition of terms:

  5. Payroll Environments

    At present, the only Payroll Environment available in Sweldista is Philippines.200901, if you intend to use Sweldista Payroll for a different country, pls. email us to request for a Payroll Environment for your country.

    Philippines.200901 Payroll Environment:

    • Philippines.200901 contains the New 2009 Withholding Tax Tables released by the Bureau of Internal Revenue that will take effect January, 2009. This also contains the latest SSS and PhilHealth Tables for deductions that have been effective since January 2007. The payroll environment is suffixed with 200901 to denote that it is designed for new government policies as of January 2009.
    • Philippines.200901 does not include the previous tax tables. You must browse Sweldista.com for the historical Withholding Tax Tables such as the Transitory Table effective July 6, 2008 to December 31, 2008 and the obsolete version of January 1, 2000.

    Payroll Environments for countries other than the Philippines:

    • At present, there are no Payroll Environments available for other countries. If you intend to use Sweldista Payroll for a different country, pls. email us.

  6. Sweldista.com Services (Online Sweldista Services)

    Online Sweldista Services are available at Sweldista.com. These include Payscript downloads, Payscript Viewing and Editing, Payscript Tracing, Payslip Viewing and Printing, Excel Conversion and more.

    Sweldista.com Online Services are available for FREE. To use Sweldista.com Services, all you have to do is create a Sweldista Account and login.


  7. Sweldista Scribe Network

    The Sweldista Scribe Network is a community for Sweldista users that want to know how to create and edit Payscripts.

    To enter the Sweldista Scribe Network, all you have to do is create a Sweldista Account and login.


  8. How To's

    • How to Modify Payscripts with your Sweldista Account

      Follow these steps to modify the payscritps:

      1. Download and install Sweldista Payroll
      2. Create a Sweldista Account. Your initial Sweldista password will be sent to your email address.
      3. View and test some sample computations that are similar to the computation you are looking for. Download the sample paysheets of the computations you have chosen.
      4. Open the sample paysheet on your computer. In Sweldista Payroll, login using your Sweldista account and password. Click on the Sweldista.com Services menu and click on Edit Payscript to view the payscript and make it editable.
      5. Click on Test Payscript to check the changes you made to the payscript then try the calculator at the left pane to verify calculations. Click on Save to Paysheet when you are done.

      Pls. note that any formula in your payscripts should comply with your company policies and government regulations. It is the responsibility of the user to check whether the sample computations do comply and if any modifications are necessary.

      At the very least, occasionally test the validity of your payroll computations in random samples. Email or call us if you find any bugs.


    • Guidelines on Formulating a Well-coded Payscript.

      A payscript that is coded well should:

      1. Forward any loan balances to the next paysheet.
      2. Compute correct partial SSS, PhilHealth deductions while taking into consideration the total deducted for the month (for weekly or semi-monthly pay periods).
      3. Compute correct Withholding taxes while using the Weekly, Semi-monthly or Monthly tax tables (depending on the preference of your company). Any partial deductions should be able to take account of any previous deductions.

      We recommend that payscripts automatically annualize deductions (using the Yearly tax table) at the latest by October of the year while taking into account the total deductions for the year. Annualization can be done earlier depending company policy. The advantage of annualization is it prevents any tax discrepancies that are normally adjusted only at the end of year.

      If you need help on formulating your payscripts, pls. visit the Sweldista Scribe Network or email us.


    • How to Create a New Blank Paysheet

      Before you create a new blank paysheet, make sure you have a TEMPLATE paysheet. A template paysheet is usually the sample paysheet that you modified with your own payscript.

      To create a new blank paysheet based on a TEMPLATE paysheet:

      1. Open Sweldista Payroll then click on the Payroll menu. Click on Create New Paysheet, then select Blank Paysheet.
      2. You will be asked for the filename of the new paysheet then click on ok.
      3. You will then be asked for the TEMPLATE paysheet to read. Select the sample paysheet that you modified the click ok.
      4. You will be prompted for the company payroll information. Modify the company name and select the payroll schedule that you prefer. Click on ok.
      5. You will then be prompted for the actual payroll period information with the dates for pay date and the start and end of the payroll period. This should default to the one you prefer, you may repeat the process and select another payroll schedule on step 4 if the dates don’t default to your preference. Sweldista Payroll will create a BLANK paysheet when you click on ok.
    •  ^ 

    • How to create the succeeding paysheets after your first paysheet

      1. Open Sweldista Payroll then click on the Payroll menu. Click on Create New Paysheet, then select NEXT Paysheet.
      2. You will be asked for the filename of the new paysheet then click on ok.
      3. You will then be asked for the PREVIOUS paysheet to read. Select the paysheet prior to the one you are creating then click ok.
      4. You will be prompted if you want to use the default settings of the previous paysheet. A paysheet that is configured properly should allow you to use the default settings and the following step for the payroll period would contain the proper dates. Otherwise, you can modify the settings for the payroll schedule the click ok.
      5. You will then be prompted for the actual payroll period information with the dates for pay date and the start and end of the payroll period. This should default to the one you prefer, you may repeat the process and select another payroll schedule on step 4 if the dates don’t default to your preference. Sweldista Payroll will create the NEXT paysheet when you click on ok.

      The NEXT paysheet would contain all the employees and forwarded balances from the previous paysheet. Pls. check the guidelines on formulating well-coded payscripts.
