The Chain Scope is implicitly ended by the execution of the next scope in the same level as the variable.
To explicitly end the Chain Scope, you must put a semicolon without any statement or keyword.
Example 1:
numeric input var VacationLeaveUsed = 0;
numeric input var SickLeaveUsed = 0;
putting a semicolon above makes VacationLeaveUsed and SickLeaveUsed
unaccessible from here and onwards
// NOTE: VacationLeaveUsed and SickLeaveUsed are no longer accessible here and onwards
Example 2:
numeric input var DailyRate = 500;
numeric input var DaysWorked = 6;
numeric output var RegularPay = DailyRate * DaysWorked;
putting a semicolon above makes DailyRate and DaysWorked
unaccessible from here and onwards
// NOTE: DailyRate and DaysWorked are no longer accessible here and onwards
// NOTE: RegularPay is still accessible here
numeric input var SSS = 10;
numeric input var PHIC = 20;
numeric input var HDMF = 30;
// NOTE: RegularPay, SSS, PHIC and HDMF are accessible here
numeric output var NetRegularPay = RegularPay – SSS – PHIC - HDMF;