Explicit Chain Scoping

The Chain Scope is implicitly ended by the execution of the next scope in the same level as the variable.

To explicitly end the Chain Scope, you must put a semicolon without any statement or keyword.

Example 1:

    numeric input var VacationLeaveUsed = 0;
    numeric input var SickLeaveUsed = 0;
putting a semicolon above makes VacationLeaveUsed and SickLeaveUsed
unaccessible from here and onwards
// NOTE: VacationLeaveUsed and SickLeaveUsed are no longer accessible here and onwards

Example 2:
    numeric input var DailyRate = 500;
    numeric input var DaysWorked = 6;
numeric output var RegularPay = DailyRate * DaysWorked;
putting a semicolon above makes DailyRate and DaysWorked
unaccessible from here and onwards

// NOTE: DailyRate and DaysWorked are no longer accessible here and onwards

// NOTE: RegularPay is still accessible here
    numeric input var SSS = 10;
    numeric input var PHIC = 20;
    numeric input var HDMF = 30;

// NOTE: RegularPay, SSS, PHIC and HDMF are accessible here
numeric output var NetRegularPay = RegularPay – SSS – PHIC - HDMF;