Data Types

A numeric data type is any numerical value such as an amount or quantity.

numeric var <name> [= <expression>];

Example 1:
// this is initialized with 10,000
numeric var BasicRate = 10000;

Example 2:
// this is uninitialized
numeric var BasicRate;

A text data type is any string (or alphanumeric) value such as a person’s name, a word, sentence or paragraph.

text var <name> [= <expression>];

Example 1:
// this is initialized with Rizal and Jose
text var LName = ‘Rizal’;
text var FName = ‘Jose’;

Example 2:
// this is uninitialized
text var LName;

A date data type is any date value such as a person’s birthday.

date var <name> [= <expression>];

Example 1:
// this is initialized with November 17, 2008
date var BirthDate = ‘2008-11-17’;

Example 2:
// this is uninitialized
Date var BirthDate;